
SoulScribe on April 24th, 2017

As far as the right to life is concerned, every innocent human being is absolutely equal to all others. This equality is the basis of all authentic social relationships which, to be truly such, can only be founded on truth and justice, recognizing and protecting every man and woman as a person and not as […]

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SoulScribe on December 31st, 2016

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. Harriet Tubman

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SoulScribe on March 27th, 2016

The living word of God is able to involve us in this history of love, nourishing our hope and renewing our joy. The Gospel also reminds us of this: in order to kindle hope in the hearts of the women, the angel tells them: “Remember what [Jesus] told you” (v. 6). Remember the words of […]

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SoulScribe on September 25th, 2015

The common home of all men and women must continue to rise on the foundations of a right understanding of universal fraternity and respect for the sacredness of every human life, of every man and every woman, the poor, the elderly, children, the infirm, the unborn, the unemployed, the abandoned, those considered disposable because they […]

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SoulScribe on October 16th, 2013

God gives us obvious moments of sanctifying grace in the sacraments. But every day we have opportunities to accept grace or reject it – the choice is up to us based on how we respond to the moments of actual grace in our lives. These moments are gifts from God, and often we do not […]

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SoulScribe on March 19th, 2013

When we journey without the Cross, when we build without the Cross, when we profess Christ without the Cross, we are not disciples of the Lord; we are worldly. Pope Francis March 14, 2013

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SoulScribe on November 1st, 2010

My longing for truth was a single prayer. Edith Stein (St. Benedicta of the Cross)

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SoulScribe on August 26th, 2010

When I was a little one, I met Mother Teresa. She attended some kind of presentation at a baseball field. She was in the state to possibly bring the Missionaries of Charity there (which she did, and the sisters are still there today). I was determined to meet her. My Dad went with me to […]

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SoulScribe on December 21st, 2009

Life hits rough patches for all of us. When the road turns rough, faith is crucial.  It’s also doubly hard.  When so many things are up in the air, it’s hard to leave things in God’s hand. Someone reminded me recently of what I already know.  He said “no problem is too great for God.” […]

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