
SoulScribe on November 1st, 2010

My longing for truth was a single prayer. Edith Stein (St. Benedicta of the Cross)

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SoulScribe on March 18th, 2010

If you’re looking for God, stop. What?!? Why?!? Because God is already there with you. Stop looking for God and find Him. It’s not hide and seek. Or even rocket science. It’s about faith. Let’s face it. As humans, we’re skeptical and curious – and all of these are great – but we’re really not all […]

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SoulScribe on December 21st, 2009

Life hits rough patches for all of us. When the road turns rough, faith is crucial.  It’s also doubly hard.  When so many things are up in the air, it’s hard to leave things in God’s hand. Someone reminded me recently of what I already know.  He said “no problem is too great for God.” […]

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SoulScribe on October 15th, 2009

If I keep a green bough in my heart, the singing bird will come. Chinese Proverb

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SoulScribe on October 2nd, 2009

Time is a transient thing.  It slips by quickly unnoticed until days, weeks, months have melted away. Time in a crisis is even more fleeting. I find myself starting again in more ways than one.  But isn’t that what life and faith are all about?  A journey of stops and starts, speed bumps and long […]

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SoulScribe on April 27th, 2009

Where has God revealed himself today?  The answer is everywhere – if we happened to notice. Time is that elusive prize we chase, yet waste and let pass us by often without a thought.  We need to take more time to see the world around you – to watch the clouds as they move past. […]

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SoulScribe on March 25th, 2009

“Hope” is the thing with feathers —
 That perches in the soul — 
And sings the tune without the words —
 And never stops — at all — Emily Dickinson

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SoulScribe on March 4th, 2009

Every moment and every event of every man’s life on earth plants something in his soul. Thomas Merton

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SoulScribe on December 10th, 2008

God is the friend of silence. See how nature – trees, flowers, grass – grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence. We need silence to be able to touch souls. Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

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SoulScribe on December 9th, 2008

Faith is like a river, ever flowing towards God.  As the water, we must quench our desire to change course.  To grow faith and strengthen it, we must water the seed within us. Learning about God and our beliefs is crucial to keeping our faith healthy – without this, it is easy for our faith […]

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